To Authors
A new way to spread free of charge your scientific work.
Combined Communication: Electronic Publication (Internet) + Traditional Publication (on Paper)
Relata Technica publishes scientific papers concerned with dermopharmacological research, dermopharmaceutical technology and related cosmetic subjects.
E-Mail your Paper to Relata Technica at Scientific Press Office:
- Your abstract will be published in real time on this Site
- The complete Paper will be published in A4 format and then sent to 4300 names of dermopharmaceutical and cosmetic sector
- 25 copies will be sent free of charge to each author
Rules to comply with
- E-Mail your Paper in Word 2000 for Windows format, tables and pictures included, A4 size.
- Submitted texts should not have been published previously or be submitted elsewhere for publication.
- The title page of the Paper should include the name, the address and affiliation of each Author.
- Each Paper must be written in English and should be preceded by a brief abstract of 250 words or less, as well as Key Words.
- The submitted Paper must refer to an original and proper experimental study and therefore requires an exact description of study methods for the reproduction of the experiment.
- All Papers presented before a meeting or seminar should fully identify the title and the date of the meeting.
- References should be numbered in the order in which they are quoted in the text and should be listed in numerical order at the end of the text under "References".
References must appear in the following form:
for a journal:
- Wiedow, O., Young, J.A., Davison, M.D., Christophers, E.: Antileukoprotease in Psoriatic Scales, J Invest Dermatol 1993; 101:305-309.
for a book:
- Reïs, T.: Introduction à la chimie-physique des surfaces, Dunod, Paris 1952, pp. 61-66.
for a paper in a book:
- Richard, E.F.: "Medicated" Cosmetics and Toiletries. In De Navarre, G.: The Chemistry and Manufacture of Cosmetics, Continental Press, Orlando Florida (USA) 1975, pp. 607-624.
Information to Authors
- Authors contribute to Relata Technica free of charge and, as stated above, will automatically receive 25 copies following publication of their Paper.
- All rights reserved. No total or partial reproduction of the articles and illustrations in any manner or by any means will be allowed without written permission from the publisher.
- The opinions expressed by the Authors do not necessarily reflect the point of view of the Editorial Staff.
- Our Referee will confirm you the publication.